

Hey guys! Welcome back! It's been quite a while, it's a new year and all that jazz... And this is where I should say "happy new year!" ... lol as if I would actually wish you one - maybe Paula would  ^^
Anyway, a lot of funny, weird and crazy things have happened lately.

Lets begin... with today.
We're back at university. Yay! The smile of death has gotten itself a new hair cut - looks definitely better!

Anyway, since I'm one of those people who like to plan things thoroughly and to have a comfortable schedule, I chose to come back only this morning. Via DeutscheBahn! Yay! German Railway Services really rock. Wisely, I chose a connection where I didn't have to change trains until Mannheim. Good thing since in Cologne we somehow lost the last half of the train and got kept up by the mandatory suicide in Frankfurt... What's it that makes throwing yourself in front of a train seem to be such a great idea, anyway? I mean - hello? That's disgusting! And no one of those egoistic assholes thinks about the engine driver - they're fucked up for life after such an incident. Really. Can't you just go and overdose or something? There're countless options - human life is actually quite a fragile thing.
Anyway, in the end I was only delayed by about half an hour and even got to bring my luggage home before I had to go to Uni... I took the last turn and the first thing I see when I set foot onto the street I live at - a guy violently throwing up all over the street... Oh yes, welcome home. Here I thought moving to such a white-bread area like the one I live in would spare me such sights but apparently...not. Ah, it's always nice to get a warm welcome - this had even a home made touch to it, it came from the heart... LOL
Anyway, let's skip the details.

Actually, I was supposed to write a Christmas Special... blame Paula that I didn't write anything - she introduced me to failbook's Treasure Isle - she should have known better because since Christmas I've risen to level 66 and know the works better than most of the other TI addicts... ^^ Anyway, Christmas... For starters - My family loves tradition and family events and all that. So I had a very, very German Christmas - minus the church, we all find that kinda boring and my mom doesn't want to go if the rest of us is having fun at home while she's freezing her ass of in that pitiful excuse of a church we have down in the village. Anyway, I got home on the 23rd. My dad and my brother had already gotten the tree which was kinda sad since I wanted the fun with the chainsaw... well maybe next year.  So my dad and my brother are both equally male and have the typical testosterone vision that makes you rise above every possible sense of aethetics a human being could possibly have. Read: the tree was ugly. Like really really ugly. xDDD It was crooked and didn't have much green left on the lower branches... But my mom, already used to such trees, just got some pretty fir branches and then had a private show of "Pimp My Christmas Tree"!
The next morning my sister and I got to decorate it, she but up all the glass balls and candles and stuff that generally belongs on a Christmas Tree and I put up the fun stuff - ugly plastic birds, a whole hoard of wooden elks, cookies and i even slipped in some old silverware ^^

In Germany Christmas begins on the 24th and you get your presents in the evening of that day ^^ For me Christmas usually lasts at least three days. I have lots of family and everyone is coming, arguing with each other and generally stressing each other out - this year everyone brought their dogs. And they don't like each other especially since my lovely grandfather likes to feed his from the table and the others aren't even allowed to beg let alone to be fed when we're eating... It really needed a mastermind to see that one coming...

Anyway, when all that shit was over it was almost Sylvester. I went back to HD on the 31st and went to Paula's to start the evening with bowle, vodka and all other kinds of funny things...
I had been the one to do the all shopping... and suddenly (out of the blue, I swear) Paula asked if I had brought fireworks... whoopsie... I knew there was something xDDD
well... FAIL! There we sat on Sylvester with nothing but 50(!) sparklers and no lighter ^^
Later we had to melt the lead for the lead poring on the stove... no lighter - no lit candles... figures ^^ - lead pouring is a very traditional way of telling the fortune for the new year here in Germany, I got a lizard and a rose, Paula got two scythes, which probably means she'll die and come back as death himself ^^
Anyway, we still made it and are now part of 2011 ^^

The new year started with the very chaotic event of Jessy moving to New York - or well, just to Bergheim, which was turned out to be just as complicated... LOL
I trusted my sweet little car, well, actually my dad's car, to some... err... not so experienced driver who managed to drive like 8km without releasing the hand break >.<" And I swear it hasn't been the old one since then! My poor baby! D=
Somewhere during de-packing most of the boxes because someone had thought that 30kg are a handy weight for a couple of girls and lots of fun with all the stuff we found in said boxes Paula and I abandoned that party to drive north. For me, I had to babysit my little brother, the dog and the house since my parents were on vacation and for Paula, she went to visit a friend in one of the most 田舎...err... towns for the lack of a better word. I brought her there and drove like 50 times around the central bus station with the great name "City Treff" (city meet) ^^

So I went home, had fun with my brother, did what a good babysitter does - bought him beer and we stayed up way to long for it being a school night.
Some time during my stay at home a friend came over and since my little brother was at school, we thought it might be a fun idea to take a shower together (cough cough). Well.... apparently I hadn't read my textmessages otherwise I'd have known my brother was coming home early since he had thrown up during maths at school (too much beer? he swears it was because of the food at the cafeteria... still probably the beer. ^^)... Anyway, I got out of the shower, let my brother in, sent him to bed and went back to said friend and the shower... a little later the bell rings again... my brother opens and YAY MY GRANDMA! I was just beginning to become a little frustrated with the general situation when they chose to sit down on the sofa right in front of the bathroom and wait for me...! GREAT! So I got out of the shower once again, told my friend to stay completely silent and went of with only a towel and dripping wet. My grandma just wanted to invite us for dinner and my brother just wanted to stick around, so I sent my grandma home and my brother back to bed... but yeah, it kind of killed the mood. FAIL!

...so yeah, my holidays have been almost a little too much fun for my tastes... ^^

Paula just had the short version, she worked, was bored without my awesomeness around, worked some more, spent Christmas with a friend, visited some other friends and got back. ^^

Naturally, both of us didn't get done anything for Uni during the holidays ^^ surprise, surprise ^^

...so apparently we're more than late - which is why I'm gonna post this now and you'll get the usual fail-blog part later ;-)
Be nice to us! As most of you, including ourselves, often seem to forget, we're nervous first years and there a exams in about two weeks and AAAAAAAAAHHH!

much love+hugs

~ Paula + Yôshi